Posted by Rupesh Kumar Karki
Again after a long time, with the topic how to take good photographs and what should you do to become a good photographer.
As a hobbyist you don't need only high-end cameras, you can go on with your point and shoot or mobile cameras. The only thing that makes a photo pop up rather than flatten image is the vibrant colors and saturation along with clarity, white and black color with the shadows and highlights. So, now you can easily understand that you have to understand the light and the color and if you are good with both these things then you can go a long way towards the endless journey of learning with your own mistakes and becoming your own critic.
Macro shot of Spider on Flower
Lightroom and Photoshop are the photography software that can take you to a whole new world of colors and manipulation. Whenever you have to start anything start from the basics, I know that if you already know something then why to learn that, but here that is not the point; the more you keep on studying and learning the more you come up with new things and exploration of ideas. Remove the dust from your head and start thinking about new ideas of how and where?
Let the Ideas come
I received few emails from my blog regarding how to become a good photographer or what should I do to take great pictures?
The answer to these questions is only one and that is to take out your toy and play with it. Once you are familiar with that and able to compose correctly and maintain the light and dark shadows then you have to take a leap towards editing.
Now, you must be knowing that if you need a camera then along with that you also require a computer to edit your photos, whether you take the photos in RAW or JPEG you are going to need a computer or laptop to edit the picture because the photo, directly available from camera is not popped up that is a flattened photo and when you bring out the hidden things or enhances the vibrant colors then only your photograph is complete and even you, yourself going to appreciate your work because you are the first critic of your work.
Dark Background of Grass is the reason behind Visibility of Water Drops
After criticizing your own work you will find a transition in your work and worst, bad, good, very good to excellent and fabulous but to hear such compliments you have to keep patience and practice with your toy and colors, then only you can say that you are a good photographer. You can improve your photography with the combination of camera, computer, and creativity. So you must have all the 3 C's.
If you have queries regarding photography feel free to contact me.


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